Greece’s Windy Coastline: The Story Behind My ‘Windy Coast’ Painting
On our trip to Greece in 2023, we went on a beautiful hike along the coast of Andros Island. It was one of those experiences where the beauty of the place completely steals your breath. Along the way, we hiked around some ancient ruins that were absolutely gorgeous. I’ve always been fascinated by old ruins. There’s something so magical about seeing these structures that have stood the test of time, weathered by the elements, and still standing proud. I like to imagine the lives that people lived way back then!
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Walking Through a Painting
The hike itself was a little tough, I was not ready for a climb and we were booking it pretty fast! But the scenery made it so worth it to me. The landscape was full of rich, vibrant vegetation, and the wind was sweeping through the grasses, making everything come alive. I’m a sucker for nature, and this was like walking through a painting. It was all so raw, so real.

I ended up naming this painting "Windy Coast" because, well, it was definitely windy where we were hiking! The wind added a whole other layer of movement to the landscape—it was as if the plants, trees, and even the coast itself were dancing. It was mesmerizing. As we finished the hike, the sun started to set, and the golden light on the water and the wind brushing through the trees made everything feel so serene. I couldn’t stop snapping photos, trying to capture that perfect moment.
Afterward, we headed back to the retreat spot for dinner, and I couldn’t get the scenery out of my head. Those windswept plants, the rugged coastline, the way everything moved together—it was like nature had choreographed its own show just for us. That’s the feeling I wanted to capture in "Windy Coast." It was such an inspiring moment, and I knew it needed to be turned into a painting the moment I got back home.

This piece feels extra special to me because it’s tied to that memory of being in awe of nature, despite being out of breath from a hike!

Where we had our retreat and it’s also an airbnb!
Our Retreat Photographer - Lucy Laucht - and her new book !
Retreat marble sculpter, Tom von Kaenel
Retreat Chef - Allegra
Kathryn Sohn’s travel blog
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